Body tattoo the hottest trend for summer 2015- Post No 23

hey you !!

have you seen those amazing temporary tattoo that looks like originals body tattoo ? last month I’ve seen some temporary tattoo who made by designers, or fashion company , there is a lot of shape, color etc.. but this is not the reason I right this post, let me present you the most gorges tattoo designers I love the most! ” Shlomit Ofir ” is an Israelis jewelry designers that designed new series tattoo with the most chic shape you ever seen! they look like jewelry, and put some grove to the whole outfit , and the happy thing is they cost only 25 shekel ! would you believe  ??..  I have to admit I that I addicted to this beautiful tattoo.

all you need to do is to try it on!

this is the most hot trend and I think it’s super stylish ever !


with love


tattoo series – ” Shlomit Ofir









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